
Showing posts from October, 2022

Week 7 and 8 Reflection

       During weeks 7 and 8 we discussed statistics and ways to document student scores using Excel. In week 7  we looked at some classroom scores and discussed some statistical terms. Some of these terms include Population, Norming, Sampling, Validity, Normal Curve, and Standard Deviation. Population refers to the entire group of people whose performance is being estimated. Norming refers to the process of contracting norms or typical performance of a group on achievement assessment. Sampling is the group who is actually included in the test or study. Validity is whether the given assessment measures what is supposed to be measured. Normal Curve (bell curve) represents the usual distribution of human attributes. Standard Deviation is the distance scores departing from the mean.     After learning and discussing about the terms listed above, we then reviewed Mean (average), Median, and Mode. These terms are important to remember because they are ways we can, as teachers, measure our st

Week 6 Reflection

    During week 6 of classes, we focused on lesson planning. We first talked about alignment and what it means in lesson planning. Making sure that your lesson lines up with what you're teaching your student is crucial for their understanding. It's important that everything flows together smoothly to optimize students' learning. Some steps in lesson planning include starting with the standard. Standards are kind of like guidelines to help you create a lesson and how to teach it. Next you create an objective. The objective must come from the standard and you must adapt it to your students' pace and needs. The last step is creating an assessment. Based off of the standards and the objective you created, you then create a fun lesson to teach for the students to help them complete the  standard.      On Friday, we went over more about lesson planning and saw different assessment examples we can use in the classroom. After that, we then broke off into partners and went over