Week 6 Reflection

    During week 6 of classes, we focused on lesson planning. We first talked about alignment and what it means in lesson planning. Making sure that your lesson lines up with what you're teaching your student is crucial for their understanding. It's important that everything flows together smoothly to optimize students' learning. Some steps in lesson planning include starting with the standard. Standards are kind of like guidelines to help you create a lesson and how to teach it. Next you create an objective. The objective must come from the standard and you must adapt it to your students' pace and needs. The last step is creating an assessment. Based off of the standards and the objective you created, you then create a fun lesson to teach for the students to help them complete the standard. 

    On Friday, we went over more about lesson planning and saw different assessment examples we can use in the classroom. After that, we then broke off into partners and went over our own lesson plans we created for a different class. Then after we analyzed and critiqued our partners lesson plans, we rebuilt our assessment and added some ways we can improve our assessments to make sure our students' are comprehending the materials we teach them. 


  1. Hi Ana,
    I liked how you went in depth about what we covered in class. I also really liked the picture you chose. Good job!


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