Week Five Reflection


     During week five of classes, we discussed the ABCD Objective Model. The ABCD model is used to write objectives in the classroom and includes four different components: audience, behavior, condition, and degree. By following this model, it allows objectives to be both observable and measurable to be effective. The audience portion is to describe who will be doing the lesson (usually students). Behavior describes what the students will be able to do and how they will demonstrate their knowledge. Conditions describes any resources and limitations for preforming the behavior. This could include any materials needed, time limitations, and cues. Lastly, degree describes the level or criteria with which success is determined. It describes to what degree of mastery and how the assessment will be done. 

    On Monday of this week, we had Ms. Lauren Wagner speak to our class about assessments and lesson planning. She was super helpful and shared so much information about assessments in the classroom. In particular, she taught me how to fill out a report card and how frequently we should assess our students. I think she did a great job of clearing any questions or confusion we may have had about assessments and how to assess our future students. I really enjoyed all of the examples she provided for every subject in her presentation!


  1. Ana, I also defined the formula and learning objectives to set the stage for the rest of my reflection. I think this is important for when we come back to our blog. We can use our brief definitions and descriptions to refresh our memory on this week's content.

  2. Hey Ana, Great job with breaking down your learning and knowledge of the ABCD objective. I also agree with Caitlyn and feel that your blog would be a great resource to refer back to at a later time if needed.

    The guest speaker today was nice is she was able to provide a great deal of information in such a short time. Although it was a lot of information provided. There was a lot of information that filled the gaps for me on information we have been learning in class.

  3. HI Ana, I think you did a great job explaining what the ABCD method is. I agree with you about Ms. Lauren's talk with us on Monday. I think she was very helpful and gave us a lot of great advice for us to use in our future classrooms.


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