Week Four Reflection

    During week four of our classes, we discussed two different charts that help classify children's learning. We first learned about Bloom's Taxonomy which was created by Benjamin Bloom. Bloom's taxonomy is a hierarchical ordering of cognitive skills ranging from simple to complex. The higher you move up the pyramid, the students become more knowledgeable and skilled in their education. These levels include remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. I can use Bloom's taxonomy in my future instruction by having the pyramid guide me into creating lesson plans. When I begin a new unit, I can start at the bottom to introduce new lessons and information, and eventually climb all the way to the top. Once I reach the end of the unit, students should be able to demonstrate what they learned through various projects and activities. 

    Next, we learned about a similar but different approach called Webb's Depth of Knowledge created by Norman L. Webb. Webb's Depth of Knowledge is a type of framework used to identify the level of rigor for an assessment. This framework is used to categorize activities to its complexity of thinking. These categories include recall & reproduction, skills & concepts, strategic thinking, and extended thinking. I will be able to use Webb's depth of Knowledge in my future instruction by helping me create activities and lessons that get more challenging as I teach new material and to help my students achieve higher thinking activities! 



  1. Hi! I liked how you included a brief summary of both models and included how they will be useful in your future classroom! I think the picture you added in did a great job of visually comparing the two models. Great Job!

  2. Hi! I liked the picture you used to compare the two ideas! I used something similar (the one from our powerpoint this week), but I like how the one you choose used a triangle diagram for both. I also like how you mentioned how you will use both frameworks. I definitely agree, and should have included in my blog, how developing rigor and more complex lessons using DOK will be utilized in my classroom too.

  3. Hi Ana! I liked how you summarized both models in an organized format! I also liked the pictures you included of the models.


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